Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Fever

It's that time of year...Spring! I love Spring Time. The weather gets warmer, it's daylight longer, and I have more energy. Plus, I know that Summer is coming soon!

Along with all of those great feelings, I also start to get a touch of Spring Fever. All I want to do is relax, read good books and have fun. I often feel tired even after I've slept all night.

Here's a few definitions I found online for Spring Fever - yes, it's real!

A feeling of invigoration and restlessness associated with the arrival of the warm weather and renewal of nature in the spring season.

A feeling of laziness or listlessness associated with the arrival of the warm, comfortable weather of the spring season.  

So, how can we cure this Spring Fever?

1. Clean/organize - Use this extra energy to clean out your closet or desk.
2. Home Improvement Project - Go to the hardware store or shop online for ideas to spruce up things around your house.
3. Take a trip - Even if it is just a day trip, get out and enjoy the beautiful weather.
4. Go outside! Get out and enjoy the sun - it's an excellent source of Vitamin D !
5. Start an Exercise Routine - walk, run, bicycle, yoga, Zumba, pilates - all excellent ways to be active
6. Be sure you are getting enough rest.
7. Diet - Eat healthy foods that boost your energy. Avoid lots of excess sugar and caffeine.

Remember that it's not your fault. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Give yourself plenty of time to adjust.

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