Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy Summer Vacation!

The teachers jumped out of the windows.
The principal ran for the door.
The nurse and librarian bolted.
They're not coming back anymore.

The counselor, hollering madly,
escaped out the door of the gym.
The coach and custodian shouted
and ran out the door after him.

The lunch ladies threw up their ladles,
then fled from the kitchen in haste,
while all of the students looked puzzled
as staff members scurried and raced.

We'd never seen anything like it.
But, still, it was pretty darned cool
to see all the staff so excited
to leave on the last day of school.

--Kenn Nesbitt


Monday, June 9, 2014

The Cool Down

The Cool Down
Use the Cool Down when you want to get away from a conflict and take control of strong, angry feelings!

Did you know that scientists have found that our feelings are faster than our thoughts?
This is usually a good thing because it means our bodies can respond to danger very quickly. Unfortunately, it also means if somebody says something means to you, your feelings of anger will make you immediately want to say something mean back. That’s the problem with our quick and strong feelings – they can get us into conflict before our more cool, logical thoughts can calm us down. When you’re in a big fight or argument and your feelings are intense or hot it’s hard to think clearly and fairly. It’s hard to take control of your hot feelings and make the choice to solve the conflict. When that’s the case, you may need to do the Cool Down!

The Cool Down means you choose to stop arguing and get away from the person you’re arguing with. You do anything to calm yourself without fighting. After a while, your feelings will cool down. Then you’ll have a more clear head to think about solutions to your conflict.

Ways to Cool Down:
1.   Go for a run
2.   Listen to your favorite band or song
3.   Eat a banana
4.   Ride your bike or skateboard, or go skating
5.   Write a poem or rap
6.   Do your homework
7.   Help your brother or sister with his or her homework
8.   Call, email or instant message a friend, but don’t say mean things about the person your in conflict with
9.   Check out your favorite blog or web site
10. Read a book
11. Play a game
12. Vacuum
13. Climb the monkey bars
14. Take a nap
15. Take a bath
16. Sing a song in the shower
17. Make a painting or drawing
18. Take the dog for a walk
19. Climb a tree
20. Look at old photos of your family

If you show respect for others, you can prevent many conflicts! The Cool Down requires that you be a leader. You have to step up and take charge of your feelings. If you let hot feelings be in charge, you might end up in a fight or saying or doing something that really hurts the other person. You might ruin a good friendship. It’s a lot better to Cool Down when you’re too hot to talk!!
The time is always right to do what is right
In life there are no make-up exams choose carefully

Hello World!

I am trying this blogger thing to see how it works. Hopefully, I will put neat ideas and thoughts here to share.