Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Six-Layer Chocolate Cake

For those of you who do not know, I LOVE CHOCOLATE! I can't get enough. I would literally eat chocolate cake for dinner or breakfast or lunch or even a midnight snack. I'd rather have chocolate than steak. I think you get the point...I really like chocolate. 

My friend and I went to lunch the other day. The food was pretty good. The place was nice. We sat on the patio over-looking Lake Norman. The sun was shining bright with Carolina blue skies. It was a beautiful day. Everything was great.  I was enjoying spending the time with my friend. The meal was over and it was about time to go. You know the moment when the waitress comes over and asks, "Would you like to hear about our desserts?" Now normally, I don't order dessert after eating a big meal. I politely say, "No, thank you," with my best Southern girl manners. But my friend asked to hear what they have. Well, the whole list sounded amazing, but then she got to the very last item.... six-layer chocolate cake. Oh.My. Goodness. I couldn't resist. I shocked my friend and quickly told the waitress I would have the chocolate cake. And man, was it SO worth it. That was the best chocolate cake I've had in a while. Not only was it amazing, it was huge! I had enough to take home for breakfast the next morning. In fact, I ate that cake for about three days. Yummy. 

It got me to thinking about happiness. What makes you happy? Are you like me and love chocolate? Do you love to read? Do you love to spend time with family? Do you love sports - watching and/or playing? Whatever it is that makes you happy, I want to encourage you to do it. Take time and just be happy. Life is too short to waste precious time not being happy. It's okay to indulge every once in a while. It's okay to be happy. It's okay to relax and enjoy life. It's okay to eat six-layer chocolate cake.